Organize and Manage Customer Interaction

Customer relationship management is designed to assist in compiling information of entities that relate to your business. This can be telephone numbers, addresses, business types, e-mail addresses and much more. Organize your contact appropriately and access them through the database. Whenever that client interacts with your business this can be logged into the system helping your sales team remain accountable and excel at their job.
The Shopodex CRM Pro is built with a multi-faceted system that helps your business with e-mail marketing. This tool enables you to keep clients current on promotions and business updates as well as reaching new clients and retaining business .

Email Campaings From Start to Finish

The step-by-step guide

Creating an email campaign from scratch can be daunting, but worry not, the Shopodex step-by-step guide helps you identify, manage and analyse each task to create a successful email campaign.

1. Identify the topic, draft email copy, find artwork
2. Use the Shopodex email template editor to construct email layout
3. Don’t forget to create compelling subject line and call to action
4. Create campaign
5. Choose target audience from contact list
6. Rank contacts, choose to save list for remarketing purposes
7. Test your email and make edits
8. Send or schedule mail-out
9. Analyze results and key metrics of campaigns via Sendgrid Integration
10. Archive Spam emails and use data to revise tactics

Cloud Contact Management and Campaigning System

Shopodex CRM brings the full power of our cloud-based e-mail marketing system into your hands. Access from any device over the internet and search through your customer leads remotely. These leads may come from registrations made on your website, imported directly by you, or input by Shopodex engineers.
Easily setup optimized e-mail templates, input promotional messages, and assign the proper leads by our filter and search feature. Once your e-mail blast is sent, you can monitor the amount of times it was opened, ignored, or sent to spam. When a campaign reaches the proper audience, it is most effective at driving traffic to your website and increasing sales for your business.

Email Marketing Features

• Easy-to-use online contact management and prospecting system
• Ready-to-go leads we can import for you
• Associate your business contacts with companies and rate them to target your audience more effectively 
• Record attributes of your contacts by their contact type, business type, title, and any details relative to them 
• Create and manage check lists of items that relate to your customers and your business 
• Log all communication directly within the contacts profile and schedule any follow ups or new activity 
• Print activity and metrics reports to manage your sales staff 
• Print or export labels and contact lists 
• Use the fully integrated campaigning engine for quicker and more effective marketing and sales efforts 
• Send out, schedule, and monitor the outcome of e-mail blasts 
• Search contacts quickly and accurately 
• Use enhanced analysis and metrics reporting 

Grow and Maintain Your Business Relations

With all the easy-to-use features that help organize, prioritize, and target your customers, Shopodex CRM helps keep sales running smoothly and efficiently. Harness the ability to draft e-mail campaigns compile multiple contact lists, and directly market to your current and potential customers.
Inform your business contacts of new products in your inventory, promotions your business is running, or follow up on inquiries they have made into your business. In minutes your business can communicate with hundreds or even thousands of prospects!